What’s this C.R.A.P. thing all about?
Steven Covey wrote a game-changer – The ‘7 Habits of Highly Effective People’.
According to the second habit we must need to “begin with the end in mind”.
So here is the end I have in mind to share with you:
- The marketplace you operate your business in is full of C.R.A.P which is an acronym for ‘Customers Rate as Patsies’ or maybe, ‘Corporations Rape and Pillage’
- Most of what is passed off as marketing today is not marketing; at best its advertising; at worst it’s C.R.A.P and much of it is a waste of money anyway
- Most businesses do VERY LITTLE marketing; but they do a whole lot of selling advertising & promoting [nothing wrong with that]
- I estimate 96% of business owners [i.e. double the 80-20 rule] do not even know what marketing is; so they settle for selling as they have been taught
- There’s a world of difference between selling and MARKETING
At the end of the day most businesses ‘hate’ their customers!
I appreciate that will take some explaining in future Blogs; for now, consider it as ‘anti-love’ in line with my definition of marketing as ‘communicating love.
Hopefully learning this will spell TWO things for YOU and your business future:
As we fill in some critical gaps about business and marketing [i.e. things you never learned, anywhere, ever]
An incredible opportunity actually – as you leave the competitors in your wake; as your profits improve significantly; and as you attain a great reputation in your marketplace.
Put your seat belt on!