What’s this C.R.A.P. thing all about?

Steven Covey wrote a game-changer – The ‘7 Habits of Highly Effective People’.

According to the second habit we must need to “begin with the end in mind”.

So here is the end I have in mind to share with you:

  1. The marketplace you operate your business in is full of C.R.A.P which is an acronym for ‘Customers Rate as Patsies’ or maybe, ‘Corporations Rape and Pillage’
  2. Most of what is passed off as marketing today is not marketing; at best its advertising; at worst it’s C.R.A.P and much of it is a waste of money anyway
  3. Most businesses do VERY LITTLE marketing; but they do a whole lot of selling advertising & promoting [nothing wrong with that]
  4. I estimate 96% of business owners [i.e. double the 80-20 rule] do not even know what marketing is; so they settle for selling as they have been taught
  5. There’s a world of difference between selling and MARKETING

At the end of the day most businesses ‘hate’ their customers!

I appreciate that will take some explaining in future Blogs; for now, consider it as ‘anti-love’ in line with my definition of marketing as ‘communicating love.

Hopefully learning this will spell TWO things for YOU and your business future:


As we fill in some critical gaps about business and marketing [i.e. things you never learned, anywhere, ever]


An incredible opportunity actually – as you leave the competitors in your wake; as your profits improve significantly; and as you attain a great reputation in your marketplace.

Put your seat belt on!